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Kainuu Orienteering Week, Kajaani 1.-6.7.20121

Organizer's pages

Tracking links will appear in

SUN 1.7.
H21E, approx 16:15
D21E, approx 14:20
H16E, approx 15:30
D16E, approx 15:15

TUE 3.7.
H21E, approx 12:30
D21E, approx 13:00
H20E, approx 11:00
D20E, approx 12:50

THU 5.7.
H21E, approx 13:10
D21E, approx 11:20
H20E, approx 12:50
D20E, approx 12:50

FRI 6.7. chase-start
H21E, approx 12:00
D21E, approx 11:35
H20E, approx 10:00
D20E, approx 11:15
H18E, approx 11:00
D18E, approx 11:15
H16E, approx 10:40
D16E, approx 10:40

 Direct links to all trackings (also Sweden/Norway)
 Tracks as gpx-files

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